Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Elite receivers do not make spectacular diving catches by accident.  They actually practice various methods and techniques on a regular basis.  During gametime with all the distractions, muscle memory kicks-in and the catch itself is second-nature. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015


A little known species, the Alpine Reptile, is seen with the same frequency as the Yeti, Nessie, Elvis, and a hard-working congressman.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

Paws Pause

Partway into their distant journey, the companions rested briefly to contemplate their location and direction, their status in life, and, oh, they actually forgot why.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Moat Float

Ensuring the safety of the marina is but one of the many duties assigned to the US Coast Guard.  This highly-trained sentry can outrun a jetski within the confines of the harbor, and he can silently ambush an illegal transaction of marbles or trading cards.  Don't ask for a ride, though, since he must be vigilant and responsive on short notice. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pool of Fools

It seems like you cannot escape them.  Everywhere you go, indoors or out, inner city or suburb, there they are -- gangs.  Intimidating, menacing, unpredictable, volatile.  Will they threaten or cajole?  Harass or disregard?  Group behavior of juvenile male primates -- one of the mysteries of the universe.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mr. Bojingle

The best way to kick-off the season is to play a tune that reminds everyone of the great joy it can bring in gathering with family and friends, renewing acquaintances with certain mountaintops, remembering why our makeup includes hefty quadriceps, and appreciating many blessings from Mother Nature.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Light Night

As long as the snow is not piled-up (yet), there's a built-in excuse for taking-in a ride.  Long daytime hours advising the President can defer such fun until late in the evening, so it's just a matter of preparation with the right gear.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Need for Speed

Pro skiers find ways to train, even when the offseason facilities are shut-down before the big snowpack arrives.  All the major resorts are wooing him for training camp, offering perks and no-fee services.  His mere presence would triple their earnings, but he remains loyal to his local ski hill and would rather dance with the one who brought him this far.