Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rode Hard, Put up Dry

A rare glimpse of Mad Max's mentor, conserving fuel with every mile, surviving into old age.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Damp Champ

Awakened by a phone call about postponement, the star striker from the US National Team steps outside in his jammies to inspect conditions for today's tryouts and drills.  How could the coaches even *think* about a delay?  The fields will be just fine, visibility is not all that bad, and there are plenty of dry balls to choose from. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Reminiscing about last month, and Liam wonders how it all went by in a flash. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tenpin Alley

Often imitated, never successfully, the Intergalactic Bowling Champion shows a bit of flair executing an attempted spare.  Do not let the calm, approachable demeanor fool you -- he is a ruthless competitor who would knock down your house if it meant winning. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hot Shot

All those evenings and weekends at the skeet range pay off when it's time for supper.  The feathers fly and then the charcoal glows.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sound Around

In his most recent appearance at Carnegie Hall, the crowd was captivated.  You could hear a pin drop in-between notes.  This is what musicians live for, even such experienced, seasoned performers.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Indy is less than two months away, so preparations are getting more intense.  Top drivers in this racing class use track time every chance they get.  It is too important to know the car and understand its strengths, idiosyncrasies, and responses to commands. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Overt Dessert

In the extremely competitive processed-food industry, consumer retail businesses constantly experiment with innovation to attract a loyal customer base.  Couple that compulsion with emerging contemporary interest in organic fare and nutrition, and one can envision great potential in an accessible buffet that includes cleverly fabricated fruit, vegetable, and whole grain products. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Stretch Out

A seldom used ancient Estonian technique for rejuvenating the musculoskeletal system requires a unique application of salt water and sand.  One of the unfortunate side-effects includes appendage elongation.  Thus it has never reached mainstream acceptance.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Drive Alive

It may seem odd, but elite professional athletes rarely get to drive.  Between the flights, limos, bus rides, et al.  The few times it happens, they go with the smaller car -- much easier to park in a city.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Book Look

Training a purple bear is not your average endeavor.  It requires careful attention to the owner's manual, and one cannot skip any chapters.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gator Baiter

Hunting and wrestling large amphibian reptiles requires great patience, a stealth approach, and well chosen native camouflage.  Here we see the master at his craft, just minutes before his latest conquest.  Biologists prefer this method to darting -- they can get measurements, samples, and apply tracking devices without the use of any drugs that make the animal vulnerable immediately after release.  Instead, the big animals dash off full of vigor, embarrassed and incensed. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wave Crave

After giving Kelly Slater a 1-on-1 refresher course, the instructor takes a little downtime to relax and cool-down.