Friday, August 30, 2013


When asked whether he could hold a certain Yoga pose, Liam simply replied, "I could do it in my sleep."

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hock Key

Even in the offseason, professional puck chasers brush-up on their skills, especially after a shortened season.  Coach is ready for the next summer intern from the waiting-list.  He'll have to choose between Kane, Campbell, Seguin, Hartnell, etc. in his limited time.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chair Riot

Creativity abounds within the leading edge of avant-garde Vaudeville acts; the rehearsals can be more entertaining than the finished product. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nailing It

Test driving at the mattress store is similar to a wine tasting.  For the latter, it's important to go with white before red, dry before sweet, light before heavy, etc.  Regarding the former, one must start firm and migrate to the plush.  An open mind also greatly enhances the decision-making process.  As an example here, our hero was pleasantly surprised once he was willing to forego passing judgment in his first sampling. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013



During the festive mood returning to the classroom, even doctoral candidates cannot resist the primeval urge to add that personal touch in a potentially enduring image. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Precision Incision

Compulsory figures are resurgent in today's skating competitions, even spilling-over into modern millennial generation skateboard professionals.    As an antidote to the adrenaline fueled halfpipe, events now also include the generation of meticulous high-resolution patterns by competitors.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Oh Pair

History has recorded only one set of Siamese twins who survived their separation into their two halves -- one fully comprised of matter and the other of antimatter.  It is a peculiar and not well understood phenomenon, the subject of ongoing research in biophysics, and the source for some unusual and mysterious events. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


When Ursus Americanus comes to town, it requires a focused, determined, yet gentle approach to communicate and reach a mutual understanding for the upcoming confab. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bored Outdoor?

For the Nationals, local authorities cleared the park, surrounded it with security, arranged for ESPN and ABC Sports, made all the right moves.  They had to -- the competition was fierce this year, and the new contender silenced the stadium audience with a command performance.  In this preview we see the opening warm-up before he swipes the trophy and steals the hearts of skateboard fans worldwide.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Liam reminisces over his days in graduate school at A&M.  When the professors needed cheap labor to do field work, they really meant field work.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Central Proselytizing Unit

After 36 years of exploration, the Voyager satellite managed to capture an alien supercomputer and ship it home for analysis.  Well beyond anything conceived here on Earth, this discovery reveals a leapfrog over the fastest, most advanced computing systems known to man.  Our leading computer architects were stunned beyond belief upon revealing the core processor driving all resource management and operating system functions from the central network hub.

Giant Leap

He sorely misses home, but the commander knows the mission is so much more important than his earthly desires.  He bravely forces a smile for the PR aspects of the NASA mission, but his heart is just not in it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Best Biscuit

The newest title-holder of the F1 Powerboat World Championship takes a victory lap before downing the traditional bottle of milk and accepting a quick smooch from the trophy girl.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Once in a while it feels good to reexamine the actual need for gravity and make decisions on whether or not it is truly useful.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Larry, Moe, and especially Curly used to take lessons from Liam before they got their big break.  Afterward, they would continue to get refreshers on an almost annual basis.