Wednesday, July 24, 2013


You can take your solo-flex, universal gym, bar method, medicine or fitness ball, yoga, heuristic and stochastic adaptations, but the world's best athletes always gets back to the fundamentals.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Elite search-and-rescue teams utilize a combination of transportation options to quickly reach a search area and methodically isolate their target quadrant.  Today after successful airborne deployment, they switched to sea-level operations for fine-grain resolution detection methods.  Regardless, speed is imperative when lives are at stake. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Spin to Win

It's a distraction and a setback, yet inevitable.  Olympians need to take time-out from training in order to satisfy demands of their fans.  Interviews, photo-ops, and in this case, observing a training session. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013


In the 1950's and 1960's, western media expressed fear of the growing communist forms of government, viewing it a threat to their way of life -- much like they view Islam today.  Many westerners saw oligarchies and authoritarian regimes topple one-at-a-time as they were replaced by communist-like oligarchy and authoritarian regimes.  Media types picked-up on those fears and propagated President Eisenhower's theory -- as demonstrated here by the preeminent expert in modern world history. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Liam performs an important experiment in fluid dynamics after discovering a dihydrogen oxide solution with a blend of organic precipitate materials.  Seizing an opportunity, he had to move quickly since the compound formed spontaneously and quite unexpectedly.  He knew instinctively it would disappear in short order since it is not a native or common substance.  At first, citizens were alarmed to come across this phenomenon.  However, Liam related tales of his youth when this same material would drop harmlessly out of the sky at frequent intervals, creating a pleasant environment that seemed to favor the local flora. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013


The preeminent marine biologist at Woods Hole studies intently the impact of global warming trends on both domestic and wildlife.  Experienced scientists prefer to supplement theoretical and computational models with empirical sampling.  Seen here recently recording another observation in a highly secretive location, he is stunned to find a complete disappearance of a once thriving Atlantis -- so much that he is compelled to lap a double-take.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bucket List

You can't beat Yoga for limbering-up those joints.  What seemed odd at first has become the latest trend -- a classic hatha hybrid coupled with ergonomically created tools, as demonstrated here by its creator. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rocket Science

Munitions experts test delivery vehicles for accuracy.  When the deterrent is plausible, it is rarely employed.  Fortunately. 

Monday, July 8, 2013


It is important to remember our grandfathers, uncles, and the brave Americans who continue to preserve our freedom and independence.  From the visionary forefathers and the series of events that came together in forming this great nation, to the continuing challenges we face, both internally and externally.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Defense Defiant

Successful goalies utilize their acute vision, steadfast focus, and anticipation of where the ball will be long before it arrives.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Feline Fillet

When stranded with no food near a large body of water, one must be dedicated to the pursuit of nutrition.  Even if it means starting-out at daybreak still wearing pajamas. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Schmetterling Fling

The latest health trend for male scalps has them applying minute dosages of butterfly feces.  It promotes silky, full hair and stimulates capillaries.