Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pep Rep

The team captain, #4, inspires his unit with a combination of personal anecdotes of championship play, historical significance of today's match, and the long-term satisfaction of impending victory.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mission Implausible

When NASA discovered a new debilitating problem for the Mars rover, they quickly assembled a crack team of über-astronauts who have been training quietly for decades on a classified project.  These pioneers risked it all in their journey, but were able to rescue the Curiosity mission.  Here they are seen shortly after discovering an unexpected phenomena: a tiny pocket of atmosphere containing enough oxygen and heat to sustain human life.  After marking the location with an advanced transmitter disguised as a common traffic cone, they hopped back into their transport and vanished into the cloak of DoD secrecy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Quantum Phantom

His effect is universal -- in one moment, the club patrons are filled with self-doubt, the next they are inspired to surpass self-imposed limitations.  All the boys at the club, steeped in envy, fail in their quest to muster hatred toward him.  The girls, they just swoon and whisper to themselves their desire for him.  Who is this wraith, this apparition?  From where did he enter the scene?  What are his origins and what will be his destination? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lick d'Azur

Severe oxygen deprivation is rare in highly-trained athletes, but when it occurs, the symptoms are extreme.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Havin' a Ball

The pros always have a unique approach for training at the USBC Open Championships.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Handleable Mandible

Recently, Air Force forensic pathologists renewed the investigation of a WWII era crash site in the remote wilderness of high Colorado alpine terrain.  For decades it was assumed the crew perished upon impact, but new research methods reveal evidence of a rare carnivorous wapiti that seems to have had a larger influence on their fate. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Running Backs are not as durable as most other positions on the field.  One of the reasons is the sheer magnitude of multi-body collisions they participate in over the course of their short careers.  Modern preparation methods extend their longevity, but even they have limits.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dive Thrive


Training for the AIDA freedive competition requires judicious site selection.  Here we see an example of just the wrong place to augment one's depth.  Now Liam is thinking he should have stuck with one of the old standards like the Bahamas, Greece, New Zealand, etc. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bear in Mind

It's getting close to that time of year when the morning air carries a chill, senses tingle, hearts lighten, pedestrians add a skip to their stride, the forest redecorates, and the skis start quivering in the corner.  Even the local wildlife keeps an eye toward the coming season.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rough Trough

Civil engineers are combining technologies to solve ever-present traffic congestion found in cities worldwide.  Innovations incorporate the reliability and navigational ease of point-to-point rail travel, the intimacy and independence of automotive, simplistic operational human interfaces, and ultra-modern neural switching systems.  Here we see engineers testing systems that operate with pinpoint accuracy at blistering speed.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Loose in the Sluice

Today's game manufacturers fabricate novel ways to infuse life into tried and true industry standards.  Baby Boomers will fondly recall the old "Chutes and Ladders," but today's generation would not recognize the old format found at a dime store.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Engine Mention

NASA Engineers obtain a great deal of knowledge after astronauts return home.  In this postmortem debriefing, the mission commander provides a complete description of the first few minutes during launch.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Gravity Cavity

In one or two random locations on planet Earth for a very short duration, its own gravitational field triangulates with its magnetic resonance and the equidistant moment-arm from the mass of both moon and sun.  This causes a brief redirection of gravity experienced by any object that happens to be in said location.  If it's not tied down, it's in for a ride.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Moss Toss

Seismologists will occasionally hire professional quarterbacks to assist with precision calibration of their extremely sensitive gear.  Here we see famous #9 in action during the offsesason.