Monday, December 26, 2011


It's always important for the lead design engineer to draft a model before issuing the RFP.


Ever alert, the engineer must give priority to passenger safety; all else is secondary.  Today Thomas the Tank Engine weathered a severe thunderstorm, dodged numerous elk on the rails, scolded children playing near the tracks, navigated some rickety and unstable terrain, but managed to arrive safely at Sodor's central station. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


Very few on this planet can achieve enough vertical velocity required to exceed that of a camera shutter.

Oral in Recline

There are no better Medical Examiners than those willing to entrust their charges with an error-free performance.

Grand Poobah

The Western Humorous Order of Performers (WHOOP) gathers for their annual convention.  After much pomp and circumstance, they bear-down on official business as Liam presides over the assembly.  

Cut Loose

Nothing wrong with a little schussing to pass the time away.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


It was the busiest airport in the world that evening, and only the city's finest could defy the massive blizzard and guide international pilots to the safety of their appointed gates.  Including a whooping crane...

Made for Walking

"Time to shovel the driveway."  Celebrating the first good snowfall of the season.

Yes, Virginia

Liam seems to bring out the best from thespians.