Saturday, April 30, 2011


Baked? Fried? Grilled? Blackened? Stuffed? What's it going to be?


Leading some customers along, the professional guide comes across an enormous Ponderosa blocking the trail. Always prepared, Liam brought along his hand-saw.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Liam teaches the Parkour Academy where celebrities learn to avoid the paparazzi.

Embryo Acquisition

Liam goes for the gold.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Steer Clear

850 thousand tons of raw materials pass through daily under the stewardship of the experienced, competent Panama Canal Authority. Here its senior staff catches-up on the latest navigational technology from the undisputed leader in the field.

Drink Think

The Executive Team pauses to consider a counterpoint during intense negotiations with the Firefighter's Union.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Decent Descent

At the tail-end of intense G-force astronaut training, Liam's countenance exhibits the effects.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pasta Pandering

Liam leads the brilliant marketing team for Chef Boyardee.

Price of Success

After working a 24-hour shift at one Fukushima nuclear reactor, Liam retreats to his cabin and promptly falls asleep while waving to the paparazzi from his porthole. Despite the triumph of modern engineering -- multiple reactors surviving an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and even a 2nd blow from its resulting tsunami, there is still concern that the ensuing damage may harm the local environment.