Sunday, May 31, 2009

AAA contractor

When your vehicle is broken-down in the high mesa country, don't hesitate to give a call. We have the finest tow-truck drivers in the country.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring sports

In track and field, Liam wins the Bus Toss event again this season.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

And the winner is...

The audience awaits with bated (but very clean) breath. At the American Toothbrush Consortium, the panel of judges was deadlocked in bestowing the Annual MVT award. To the rescue comes Liam, and the panel defers to him. Will it be the Turning Blue, the Agent Orange, or the Gang Green?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Chores

Alas, it's that time of year again. In January, Liam was shoveling the drive, saying, "I can't wait until May when all this snow is gone." Now, he's saying, "I can't wait until January when this grass is dormant."

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Out and About

Liam gives directions to the shop where he got the good sun protection.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hangin' in the Hood

Today Liam took a shift with the local law enforcement consortium. He does volunteer work with street gangs to steer them toward education and legitimate businesses. Here he was caught in the act of giving the secret hand signal for the Cruds. (The merger of the Crips and the Bloods)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Heroes Remembered

Today the Department asked Liam to give one of his highly sought motivational speeches. Nine years ago to the day they were fighting-off the Cerro Grande wildland fire. The following day, the entire townsite of LA evacuated. No one knew the utter devastation, the losses, the death toll that was yet to come within days. Because of the bravery and skill of our firemen and those of surrounding communities, we lost no human lives and limited residential destruction to just 239 homes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's the Latest Thing

Decades from now cultural historians sociologists will remember 2009 as the year the new trend started. Supplanting the dated and passé body piercings, the Cheerio fad took the nation by storm. And to think it all started out in a little hamlet on top of a mesa. (Click on photo for close-up)