Thursday, December 14, 2023

Park in a Driveway


Sure, the automobiles benefit from a decent shoveling, but we can't let them have all the fun.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Just Ain't Fair


The goalie guessed correctly this time, although our hero drilled it in anyway.  This just seems like a poor implementation of a tie-breaker, but the whole world does it and it may never change.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

How to Rank


Here is a sample of how the highest ranking team likes to play.  Number 12 in white gets posterized with a nutmeg.  So in an attempt to save face, first trip #22 in Green who embarrassed him.  Second, as Green is going down, how about a good karate chop to the face.

(Rank[2]:  adjective, having a foul or offensive smell)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Same Thing Next Year

 They STILL don't make it easy to roll that thing into the net.

Oh wait, on second thought, maybe they do.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Net Roll

They sure don't make it easy to slip that little sphere into the frame!



Friday, August 12, 2022

Ice Cream Man


I'm your ice cream man,
stop me when I'm passin' by.
I'm your ice cream man,
stop me when I'm passin' by.
You see, all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy. 

(Lyrics by John Brim)

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Four Fouls and a Champion


So in today's game, we see Liam (#16 day-glow yellow) striving to get the ball into the net.  The ball arrives, but the defender (#21 maroon) first tags it with his arm and never attains possession.  Then the defender gives Liam a kick in the knee, turns around, and takes Liam out without ever touching the ball.  In the process, the defender pulls a thigh muscle, is in a lot of pain, and is unable to walk.  Later in this sequence we see maroon #8 throw another yellow player to the ground.  Finally the ref stops play, we get an extended time-out, and #21 gets carried off behind the net by two teammates.  I fail to understand how none of these infractions earned a whistle, but that's a different issue. 

Shortly, the game ends, and all the players on the field walk back to their respective benches.  

Except one.  

Liam takes a sharp left turn and jogs over to the opponents empty goal.  He picks #21 off the ground where his team left him, and gingerly helps him back to his own bench while the next game is getting ready.  Doesn't even know the kid's name.  Everyone else on the field -- players from both teams, coaches, officials, parents -- they all forgot about the discarded #21. 


Words cannot describe how my heart swells today.